For the woman who is ready to step into and thrive in her SOFT CEO ERA as a

High level spiritual mentorship that offers the intimacy you need to uplevel yourself, your life and business.​

Over 3 months, we focus on expanding your income and trust around money; increasing your impact through content & client results; turning your business into the creative outlet that makes your soul feel ALIVE, provides the freedom you always desired and holds space for self-expression and flow; AND curating a day-to-day life & relationships that feel exciting, spiritually deep and intimate by doing the subconscious & spiritual work necessary to receive, hold and continue elevating more peace, pleasure & prosperity in all areas of life.

I was siting on the beach in Cuba vibing with my bf to cubaton music as I felt it hitting me like a wave of energetic bliss.
A download, an intuitive hit.
I pulled out my phone and started tipping right away.
The entire vision for the uplevel of my most powerful container came to me right then and there. In divine timing, channeled through source.
The information you’re about to read is this download fully come to life.

At that time, I was at a point in my life that I have a feeling you can resonate with.

I had just hit another massive milestone, yet blew right by it and planned the next one. I was putting so much pressure on myself to keep the upwards trend, and my nervous system was always fried. I felt exhausted and tired of my love life and soul fulfillment coming last because I was either chained to the laptop or overthinking in every free minute I had.
I was constantly comparing myself to my peers and felt genuinely unhappy with where I was in life and business, although most would have considered this to be ‘the dream’.

I desired nothing more than a slow life with lots of time and space to do whatever the fk I want. I want to have massive impact and change people’s lives but also spend quality time with my partner. I desire time and space for myself, my family and adventures while also making enough money to support my lifestyle. I wanted feel lit up by the work I do, like I can express myself freely and make artful magic instead of cold dming and selling hard. I desired to feel lit up by life and cross some things off my bucket list.

You’re a BORN leader.
Let’s be honest… you can do it ALL & you have already proven so to yourself, the world and those who doubted you time and time again.

And – I know deep down there’s a part of you that longs for softness
A slower pace
A different way

How would it feel to put down your business for a moment…
…And focus on yourself for a sec?

Your divine masculine counterpart is SO BEAUTIFUL. It’s gotten you so far.
But if you’re honest… You know that your feminine has been neglected.
It’s time to change that.

Your feminine power is your secret sauce, not an after thought, and most certainly not a weakness.
In both your life and your business strategy.

Inside energetics, I’ll be guiding you to meet your inner queen. The version of you who has it all: the money. the impact. the peace. The pleasure.

I’ll be teaching you how to align your energetic blueprint, step into your feminine magnetism and trust in the unfolding of life so life and business feels like this 👇🏻

This is for you if

  • You are a bold, self-accountable, committed woman who is ready to do the internal work necessary to reach the next level of purpose, pleasure & prosperity
  • You know that all results in life stem from your belief systems and you understand the importance of investing into an energetic strategist who specializes in subconscious rewiring— someone to help you clear out, release and rewire what’s standing between you and your desires
  • You make okay money but still feels scarce, icky & uncomfortable and know, to see explosive quantum level growth in your bank account you need to release that shit and turn it into a warm-fuzzy feeling of trust & security
  • You’ve been operating most of your life in your masculine energy and are realizing now that, it’s no longer working for you, especially in your business, and are looking to bring in more ease, flow & pleasure through your feminine
  • You’re wondering how life & business would be if you’d surrender, let go and trust source to lead the way and are ready to find out
  • Your personal life feels a bit dull and you lost passion for your business, so now you’re ready to bring some juicy pleasure, joy and excitement to it

Topics we cover

  • Money mindset and strategically handling your finances
  • Setting clear intentions and a vision that source understands
  • Changing beliefs, fears and stories that no longer serve you
  • Identity work and becoming your most authentic self
  • Increasing self-belief, clearing up your energy field & shifting emotions
  • Embodying leader energy and the frequency of wealth
  • Balancing masculine & feminine energy in your business & life
  • Developing your intuition and discovering your gifts
  • Taking inspired action and finding a business strategy that feels like a full body yes
  • Navigating hard conversations and persist in turbulent times
  • Filling your own cups & falling in love with life and business again
  • Unlocking deep levels of spirituality, faith & magic within you and learn to surrender and let go
  • Mastering the manifestation process and applying it to attract more impact, income and pleasure

Private Mentorship will help you

  • feel safe and secure around making, receiving, circulating and expanding money & deeply trust yourself around it no matter how much you’re making
  • fully believe in yourself and your craft, know your gifts and create radical impact through your content & client results
  • find your passion in business again and build a creative outlet that makes your soul feel alive & provides the space for freedom, self-expression, and flow
  • wake up every day feeling a ‘fuck yes what is life’ and a ‘I can’t believe this is my business now’
  • increase your income and make more than enough so you don’t have to budget or take the financially smartest decisions
  • fully trust your intuition, deepen your sense of purpose and connectedness with source and build unshakable inner peace
  • feel safe and confident in saying no, taking time off, and making decisions that feel true to you regardless of what everyone else says
  • lead from your feminine energy (i.e integrate more white space, flow, and collaboration) and thus access a higher vibration, a more positive outlook on life and the deep inner knowing that everything is working out for you

It's time to have so much fun, the universe gets obsessed with giving you everything you want!​

I remember the first time I got to sit down with a woman who’d had everything I desired.

She was a full embodiment of where I wanted to go: successful, rich, healed, happy, unshakable.

She was an absolute queen!

And I got to sit down with her, be in her energy, have her eyes on my business and learn from her how to become magnetic af.

Let’s be real, there is nothing like sitting down at a table with someone who’s walked the path before you.

Being in her energy & eventually matching it.

What you get

3 months of

  • Bi-weekly 1:1 calls to shift anything and everything that comes up for you + consciously work towards your goals
  • Flat rate of messenger support 24/7 to feel supported, held and guided whenever you need it
  • Full access to my entire tool kit of Reiki, RRT, Tarot, Numerology, …
  • Personal RRT audios/Tools to keep for future use
  • Actionable pieces to implement what you learned

Let your joy be so loud, others want to join in!​